Programas de Educación Ambiental
Adopta una Especie
Adopta una Especie


Guajolote De Gould Aviary, Cananea, Sonora

The Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is distributed almost exclusively in mexico and its a protected species by the official standard NOM059-ECOL-2001 (Official Federation Diary, 2002); nevertheless, on many locations in Sonora, specially in Cananea, where historicaly its populations were big, it has suffered illegal and systematic hunting; because of being an attractive throphy for hunters, since its the highest ranked poultry in North America. Besides, because of the ecologic requeriments, its very sensitive to weather changes and habitat; for example, the persistent droughts, and deforestation are factors that frequently hinder the population. We have as part of the plan the objective of preserve this emblematic species.


This Subspecie according to the little literature there is, its the least domesticable one, for they are extremely nervous animals, and sensitive to noise, but right now we are on advanced stages with excellent results, having adult and juvenile individuals born in captivity, which tells us we are working positively to out goals.

We also have great advances in posture and reproduction, we have been able to maintain 94 animals in captivity, well acclimated and in great state inside the aviary. This May in 2014 will be the first release of Gould Turkeys in the Occidental mother mountains North, where we will release 32 individuals, and starting there, every 6 months we will release 50 on the first years, growing esch time with more numbers. This project is financed and supported by GRUPO MEXICO, and its situated in Cananea, Sonora.


Penguin Park Aviary, Hermosillo Sonora

Exotic birds aviary, threatened and on the verge of extinction, as Tucan, macaw, tuft stone turkey, eagles, etc. With the objective of education, exhibition, research and reproduction, with an enviroment almost like natural. We have birds from north, center and south America, so the students from the state and neighbouring states can know them, admire them, and ellaborate studies of preservation on a professional, master, and doctor level.

We are working together with local universities, on expeditions and strategic places to locate species of threatened and on the verge of extinction birds on their natural habitat, to study them and determine methods to solve the problem of the decrease in number of individuals, and look for options to improve the habitat since thats the problem we find the most.